Sandra Chevrier

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Let me start by explaining how my ‘Cages’ series came to life, which was about one year ago. I used to work in a really controlled and hyper realistic way. One day, I was doing crafts with my kid, and just started painting with loose and heavy textures of paint on some of my old drawings of women portraits. I found that there was something really interesting there. And for the past year, I’ve been working on this idea, trying new things, and playing with it. The comic book collage was another idea that was born by accident. I was working on a DIY project by covering one of my Ikea dressers with comic book pages but it broke during the process. I had no idea what to do with all the comics I bought, but by recycling them on to my art, the idea of creating these different cages came to life.

Black Heart La Cage La cage La Cage bordee de fleurs ocres La Cage sirene du silence. La Cage dans le parfum de l'Amour La Cage noir dans ce drame en couleur